Specification For Use Of Driving Sweeper 2017-12-22 17:50:28
Driving type sweeping machine is currently the most important ground cleaning tools, is widely used in various fields, such as schools, factories, municipal sanitation, residential property and so on. In order not to affect the sweeping efficiency and effectiveness of sweeping machines, during the use must follow some specifications.

1. Do not rush to operate the machine after purchasing a sweeping machine. Read the instructions and precautions carefully first. Operators also have to undergo a certain amount of training. Also pay attention to check the machine is complete, the battery is energized, do not let the machine run at a loss of power. Do not allow non-workers to drive the machine.

2. Driving sweeper can clean stones, dust, leaves, debris and other cleaning work, but the use of the process to avoid cleaning the combustion, so as to avoid danger. At the same time, be careful not to expose the machine's motor to fire or water, which may be dangerous or can affect the service life of the battery.

3. After using the electric road sweeper, pay attention to inspecting the main brush and side brush of the machine, check the wear condition, and timely clean the foreign matters such as hair, thin lines and other things. Regular replacement of the main brush and side brush, so as not to affect the use of sweeping machine results.

4. The ride on sweeping machine's body and motor should be cleaned regularly, to avoid affecting the life of the machine. When the road sweeper is not in use for a long time, it must periodically charge the battery, because the sweeping machine will have some power consumption when not in use, if the battery for a long time power loss will affect the battery life and the use of results.

5. The machine is best parked in a ventilated, dry environment. After cleaning the road, do not forget the cleaning of the machine itself.
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